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Immediately after fracture, the step can save the patient's life

What is a fracture- Fracture is a condition when the bone is partially or completely broken. In a very severe case, the bone breaks into many small pieces. Sometimes the bone slips from its place, such a condition is called dislocation.

Bone fractures can occur for many reasons, such as road accidents. Injuries fall. Sports injury, bone disease, etc.

Due to bone fracture or bone dislocation, the victim is unable to move his or her injured part, the person suffering from unbearable pain, in which case first aid is needed immediately.

 If there is too much bleeding, then there should be a try to stop it immediately. Primary. Care should be taken to ensure that the patient is not tampered with much before reaching the hospital.

Cause of Fracture: The cause of fracture are as follows 

  1. blow.
  2. Sports injuries.
  3. Injury due to domestic accidents.
  4. Injury due to road accidents.
  5. Fall from a height.
  6. Bone diseases.
  7. Lack of calcium intake (from milk and calcium tablet)
  8. Some medication makes the bone weaker.

Sign and symptom of  Fracture :

  1. Loss of function with the victim unable to move the affected part normally.
  2. Cracking sound over the bone.
  3. Irregularities, lumps, or depression over the surface of the bone due to the overriding of the broken ends of the bone.
  4. bones coming out of the skin.
  5. severe pain, tenderness, and swelling over the affected part.
  6. open wound.

Prevention of Fracture :

  1. Wear protective gear during sports.
  2. wear protective gear, if it is appropriate for your job (helmet for a construction worker)
  3. Avoid sudden twisting while running.
  4. Consume food containing calcium such as milk.
  5. Take calcium supplements if suggested by the doctor, especially in women who no longer have their periods.
  6. visit your physician regularly.
  7. Follow traffic rules.
  8. Do regular exercise to strengthen your bones and muscles.

First aid for fracture :

  1. Reassure the victim.
  2. Support and immobilize the affected part of the body to prevent further movement.
  3. Straighten limb where possible without causing unnecessary pain using a straight, rigid object and typing a cloth around it.
  4. Avoid any direct pressure on the site.
  5. Apply a dressing if you see bones coming out of the skin.
  6. Make the victim comfortable in the position found if it is not.
  7. Rest the limb (put minimum weight only when necessary )
  8. Ice application (on and off ) over the compression dressing.
  9. Immobilization.
  10. Compression dressing to control the swelling.
  11. Elevate the limb.

Do not: Do not apply ice directly to the skin, do not assume the severity of the injury based on the level
of pain.

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