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Identification early signs and symptoms of hiv-aids

AIDS ( acquire immune deficiency syndrome) disease is caused by a virus called HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). 

AIDS damages the body's immune system so that the body becomes weak and can not protect itself from infection.

This disease occurs when the body's immune system is reduced or destroyed, causing the body to become infected with various types of infections and diseases. There is currently no cure for AIDS, so information is the only cure.

human immunodeficiency virus.

HIV is a virus. the human immunodeficiency virus. This virus destroys the power to fight diseases of the human body, due to which the human body is vulnerable to many diseases and the symptoms of AIDS appear in the sufferer. An HIV-positive person is called HIV positive.

HIV, upon entering the body, attacks the T-lymphocyte and controls it. (A variety of WBC is called the T-lymphocyte, it is part of the body's defense system fighting diseases). The virus is now the product of an enzyme that converts its gene content RNA into DNA. The DNA of this virus then binds to the DNA of a T-lymphocyte and in this state, it transcends the life of an infected person for a lifetime. This contracted cell (CELL) is a type of virus factory. Due to which more HIV viruses are produced, these viruses get out of this cell and attack other T-cells and destroy them in the same way.

It lasts for a few years. When there is a drastic reduction in the number of T-cells of an infected person, that person becomes AIDS. HIV virus is very fragile. It dies instantly in a dry form outside the human body. It is not known to last long even in a wet state.

Early Symptoms of AIDS

Symptoms of AIDS appear in three to 12 years of HIV infection. And at this time the person is also in a position to spread the disease to others. AIDS disease is actually the end result of an HIV attack - when HIV positive symptoms show symptoms of the disease.
  1. feeling tired
  2. Lose weight in a short period of time - weight loss
  3. Persistent diarrhea for more than a month.
  4. Lymph nodes enlarge in size in more than one location.
  5. After a few weeks of the HIV virus, entering the body, the following written symptoms appear.
  6. flu-like symptoms,
  7. fever,
  8. body pain,
  9. And headache,
  10. Some infected people do not see these signs,
  11. But after some time, these symptoms disappear. And the infected person is in a state of unrecognized status, this condition can last for 3 to 12 years.

Transmit of HIV/AIDS

  1. Unsafe sexual intercourse,
  2. From infected blood and blood products,
  3. Using contaminated needles and syringes,
  4. HIV positive mother to a newborn baby.


All the facilities of AIDS, TB treatment, and screening are available free of cost in all big and small hospitals run by the government. Any person who has been coughing continuously for 2 weeks can get himself tested and treated.

Q: Can kissing cause HIV infection?
Answer: There is no risk of HIV infection with a mild kiss on the lips or lips. But there is not a small danger in deep kissing because viruses are present in the saliva of an infected person. In addition, this risk is further increased by blood in the gums or mouth ulcers.

Question: Can HIV be spread through a safety razor?
Answer: A common razor is considered for HIV infection. It is better not to use shared.

Question: Can going to the dentist cause HIV infection?
Answer: It is quite unlikely. Nevertheless, it must be ensured that the instruments that doctors use are germ-free.

Q: Can an ear infection cause HIV infection?
Answer: Yes. If the wire or needle used to pierce the ear is contaminated. To remove apprehension, a needle or level should be made germ-free by heating it on a flame.

Question: Is AIDS hereditary?
Answer: No, AIDS is not hereditary.

Question: How to avoid AIDS?
Answer: Following are the measures to prevent AIDS;

The only relationship with your life partner.
Use only germ-free needles and syringes.
Before using blood or blood products, make sure that they are HIV free.

Question: Can HIV infection occur during a blood test?
Answer: Blood tests are often performed in germ-free conditions. But the syringes that are being used to take blood must be disinfected. This can prevent you from getting HIV infection.

Q: Does mosquito bite spread HIV?
Answer: There is no mosquito that can spread HIV. It has been found that most cases of HIV occur in 16 to 40 years. HIV cannot survive and breed in mosquito intestines. It is therefore believed that mosquitoes cannot spread HIV infection.

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