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Knowledge of first aid protect life.

Protect life, 

Prevent further injury, 

Promote recovery.

The first attempt to save the life of an injured person is called First Aid. First aid can be given by anyone present at the scene, some precautions are necessary while giving first aid. Those who help the injured person recover.

Three P in first aid,

Protect life - stop the person from dying.

Prevent further injury - Prevent the person from getting even more injured. If possible, an injured person should not be transferred.

Promoting recovery - Try to help the person correct his injuries.

 Three PS in first aid

Prevent illness or injury from getting worse,

Promoting Recovery,

Protect the unconscious


First aid for abdominal pain:

Abdominal pain is a sharp, aching, burning, or cramping sensation of the abdomen. Abdominal /stomach pain occurs in the general tummy area or the area between the chest and the pelvic region. It can affect the whole or just part of the abdomen.

Causes of abdominal pain:

Spoiled food, infection of the internal organs, decreased blood supply to the abdominal organs, injury, allergy of food or medicine, poisons or drugs, alcohol, the complication of pregnancy, stone in the urinary tract, ulcer, heart attack.

☺ Decreased blood supply to the abdominal organs or testes,

☺ Menstruation cramps in women,

☺ Indigestion,

☺ Stomach infection such as Gastroenteritis or stomach flu,

☺ Stones in the urinary path or in the internal organs,

☺ Gastritis,

☺ Acidity,

☺ Constipation,

☺ Food allergies,

☺ Food poisoning.

Common symptoms of  abdominal or stomach pain: The common symptoms that usually accompany abdominal pain are:

☺ Flatulence (passing of gas),

☺ Belching,

☺ Indigestion,

☺ Discomfort in the upper left or right

 middle or lower left or right abdomen,

☺ Constipation,

☺ Diarrhea

☺ Heartburn

☺ Chest discomfort

Prevention of stomach pain:

☺ If the cause of the stomach pain is stomach infections or acidity the doctor may suggest a change of diet. He may suggest you eat less or non-spicy foods and drink plenty of water and clear juices.  

☺ Avoid  overeating before going to sleep,

☺ get plenty of fluids and fiber-rich foods like fruits and vegetables.

☺ Reduce fatty, greasy foods like fries and burgers.

☺ Wash hands well, especially before eating and after going to the bathroom.

☺ Avoid foods or medication to which you are an allergy.

☺ Avoid contaminated food and water.

☺ Follow medical advice.

☺ Having food at a fixed routine will keep your stomach clear and healthy.

Prevention of abdominal pain:

If the cause of the stomach pain is infections or acidity the doctor may suggest a change of diet. Eat less or non-spicy foods and drink plenty of water and clear juices. Avoid overeating before going to sleep get plenty of fluids and fiber-rich foods like fruits and vegetables to reduce fatty, greasy foods like fries and burgers wash hands well, especially before eating and after going to the bathroom to avoid foods or medication to which you are an allergy. avoid contaminated food and water. having food at a fixed routine will keep your stomach clear and healthy.

The action was taken before further aid arrives:

  • Keep the victim in a comfortable position, if organs are protruding from the abdomen after injury, cover them with a moist, sterile dressing.
  • Do not take food, water, or medicine by mouth until properly advised by a doctor. Do not attempt to push protruding organs back into the abdomen. 
  • Do not apply excessive pressure to the abdomen in case of bleeding. 
  • Do not apply any hot object to the abdomen.       

First aid for Allergy:

An allergy occurs when a person's immune system reacts to substances in the environment that are harmless for most people. These substances are known as allergens and are found in dust mites, pets, pollen, insects, ticks, molds, foods, and some medicines. A substance that is an allergen for one person may not be for another - everyone reacts differently. 

When a person who is allergic to a particular allergen comes into contact with it, an allergic reaction occurs. This begins when the allergen, enters the body, triggering an antibody response. The antibodies attach themselves to special cells, called mast cells. When the pollen comes into contact with the antibodies, the mast cells respond by releasing certain substances, one of which is called histamine. 

When the release of histamine is due to an allergen, the resulting swelling and inflammation are extremely irritating and uncomfortable. A condition in which the immune system reacts abnormally to a foreign substance.

 Types of allergy:

☺ Drug allergy,
☺ Food allergies,
☺ Contact dermatitis, 
☺ Latex allergy, 
☺ Allergic asthma, 
☺ Seasonal allergies Animal allergy, 
☺ Allergy to mold.        

Anaphylaxis allergy: 

Anaphylactic allergy is a severe, potentially life-threatening Allergic reaction.
  • ☺ Severe allergy
    ☺ Breathing difficulty,
    ☺ dizziness,
    ☺ nausea/vomiting/abdominal pain,
    ☺ facial swelling,
    ☺ localized or generalized swelling,
    itching skin,
    ☺ coughing,
    ☺ when appearing above these signs, need medical help/contact your doctor.

  • Anti  allergies drug or medicine:

  • Antihistamines block histamine release from mast cells, reducing symptoms. Antihistamine tablets are used for this purpose. Antihistamine nasal and eye sprays can also be used. Intranasal corticosteroids nasal sprays (INCS) are very effective for the treatment,
  • of moderate to severe allergic rhinitis (hay fever). Combination therapies (INCS and antihistamine) are used for the treatment of moderate to severe allergic rhinitis (hay fever)
  •  and offer the combined advantages of both medications. Medicated eye drops - ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice. Adrenaline (epinephrine) - is used for first aid emergency treatment of life-threatening severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis). Non-medicated treatments such as saline sprays are used for treating allergic rhinitis and sinusitis. Allergen immunotherapy (also known as desensitization) is a long-term treatment that changes the immune system's response to allergens. It involves the administration of regular, gradually increasing amounts of allergen extracts, by injections.

  • Medical emergencies:

    1. Abdominal pain,
    2. Allergy,
    3. Back pain,
    4. Breathing difficulty,
    5. chest pain,
    6. Choking,
    7. Dehydration,
    8. Diarrhea,
    9. Fainting,
    10. Fits
    11. headache,
    12. Low blood sugar,
    13. Stroke, paralysis, brain attack.

  • Also read: back pain and breathing difficulty.

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