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Chest pain, Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention.

Pain in the chest-It is a challenge to find out if there is pain in the chest area, general pain, or a heart attack.

Two-thirds of patients evaluated for RACCP (risk assessment and critical control points) had no cardiac cause, with many other causes of chest pain. 

like, acid reflux, muscle strain, an inflammation of the cartilage that connects ribs of the breastbone, reduce blood flow to the heart, CHD (coronary heart disease), hyperlipidemia, hypertension, a family history of diabetes are other causes of chest pain.

causes of chest pain

There are many reasons for chest pain, it is not necessary that chest pain is due to a heart attack.
  1. heart attack,
  2. Tearing a large blood vessel in the body,
  3. Blockage of a blood vessel in the body,
  4. Lung collapse,
  5. Rupture of the food pipe.
  6. Chest injury.
  7. Heart or lung infection or inflammation.

Symptoms of chest pain:

  1. The main symptoms of chest pain are pain extending to the jaw, arm, neck, shoulder, sweating, nausea, vomiting, and weakness.
  2. Sudden onset and difficulty breathing, coughing and coughing up blood,
  3. Signs of tremors are associated with "confusion, cold, sticky, pale skin, dizziness, ingenuity, rapid breathing". Improve with comfort.
  4. Pinching,
  5. squeezing,
  6. Chest pressure,
  7. Heartburn,
  8. Tearing or itching sensation.

CHD (coronary heart disease),

  1. Left-arm, jaw, neck, and shoulder stiffness and pain,
  2. In the chest area, tight, squeezing, tightening,
  3. to sweat,
  4. nausea, vomiting,
  5. Feeling weakness
  6. Breathing fast,
  7. Chest pain etc. is the most common symptom of coronary heart disease (CHD).

Prevention of chest pain:

The best way to stop chest pain is to reduce risk factors for the heart and lungs,

  1. Avoid smoking, chewing tobacco, and other tobacco products,
  2. Avoid excess alcohol,
  3. Avoid high-fat food,
  4. Exercise regularly
  5. Maintain normal body weight,
  6. Control blood sugar,
  7. Check at least one body in a year
  8. Maintain abnormal blood pressure,
  9. Avoid chest injury.

First aid for chest pain:

  • Properly given first aid is helpful in saving a victim's life. First aid should be given in a way that can reach the victim safely, to the hospital. 
  • Put the victim in a comfortable position.
  • Assure the victim and stay with him.
  • Confirm heart attack, give aspirin a pill.
  • If the victim has a heart condition, high blood pressure, and nitroglycerin as prescribed by the doctor, place a pill under his tongue.
  • If there is confusion, cold, pale skin, dizziness, fainting, or rapid breathing, then 2-3 pillows should be placed under the feet of the victim or feet should be about 1 foot above the ground.
  • If the victim is breathing, but unconsciously put them in a recovery position.
  • If the victim is not breathing, perform CPR.
  • Do not leave the victim alone. Do not allow the victim to walk around.
  • Do not give more than one aspirin, do not give more than one nitroglycerin.

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