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sign of dental disease, and how to Protect Dental

When we eating food, some of the food particles remain between our teeth. germs eat this food and grow healthy. they produced a substance ( acid) that is harmful to teeth, it produces a cavity.

bacteria are present all around us,  even in our mouths .but all bacteria are not harmful to us. however, when we do not clean our teeth properly, some harmful bacteria start growing in the mouth .these bacteria, food particles, and the saliva together form a thin sticky layer called plaque on the surface of the tooth. plaque that is not removed by brushing, produces acid, the acids dissolve the hard tooth surface enamel .tiny holes appear on the surface of the enamel, which slowly gets bigger until one large hole appears. this is called a cavity. brushed your teeth at least twice a day,  once a morning and once a night .the front and back of the teeth should be brushed in a circular up and down motion. and change toothbrushes usually after a month. flossing removes food particles stuck between our teeth that cannot be removed by brushing. dental floss is a piece of string that is moved back and forth through the spaces between our teeth .we should floss our teeth every day. healthy gums are just as important as healthy teeth .they are a help to hold your teeth .be sure to massage and care for them.

Our teeth:

Our teeth help to bite and chew food. food is taken into the body through the mouth, and it chewed with the help of teeth. different type of teeth has a different work is performed. teeth help us for breaking down food into smaller pieces. digestion starts in the mouth. two sets of teeth grow in their lifetime. The temporary set -the temporary set has twelve teeth and the permanent set of teeth.

we are born without teeth, our first tooth appears when we are 7 to 9-month then we start to eat solid food. End of two years we have twenty teeth set .they are called milk teeth or primary teeth.
By the age of 6 to 7 years, milk, teeth begin to fall and another set of teeth replace them,
they are called permanent teeth.
after 21 years of age, we get 16 pairs =32 teeth complete set. if they fall they do not grow back. these types of teeth are called permanent teeth.

Types of  human teeth :

Four types of teeth insides of our mouth are 
  1. Incisors - biting or cutting.
  2. Canines - tearing.
  3. Premolar - crushing and grinding.
  4. Molar - crushing and grinding.

The functions of  teeth: 

Based on their shapes and function, teeth are 4 types. Each type of teeth has a separate function.

  • Incisors are present in the front of each jaw .these are 4 in each jaw .they are sharp, straight cutting edge to cut and bite the food .herbivore's have big incisors, squirrels are sharp incisors in both jaws.
  • Canine is on side of the incisors, they are sharp and pointed, these help tear carnivores, they are usually the longest teeth and a little curved. these tears the flash .there are two canines in each jaw.
  • Premolar are found back and side of jaws they break up the food into smaller pieces they are also called tearing teeth, they have a very sharp edge and help to tear the food. there are 4 premolars in each jaw.
  • Molar: is broader than the premolars and helps in grinding the food there are six molars in each jaw. in herbivores and omnivores, both premolars, and molars are flat and help to chew.

Structure of a healthy tooth

Teeth are made up of hard minerals called apatite and coated with enamel, teeth fit into the jaw bone,  they have long root teeth are surrounded by softy gum .each tooth has 3 main parts.
  1. Enamel- the uppermost part, which we see, is hard-white called enamel.
  2. Pulp -the inside of the tooth is called the pulp, which is soft and has blood vessels and nerves .the nerves are connected to the gum through a hole in the root.
  3. Dentine -above the pulp and below the enamel is called dentine.

Part of the tooth: The tooth has three-part -crown, neck, and root.     

  1. CROWN - The part of the teeth that we see is called the crown,
  2. NECK -  The part which is below the crown called the neck,
  3. ROOT - The root lies in the gum and holds the tooth in the jaw.

Symptoms of dental disease:

  • Toothache
  • bleeding gums,
  • Teeth shaking,
  • Foul mouth,
  • The problem of getting food in teeth,
  • Change in color of teeth,
  • Space between teeth,
  • Teeth not equal,
  • Sensitiveness when taken too hot or cold.

Keep your teeth healthy  

  • Should not eat too many sweets at night,
  • Visit a dentist once 6 months,
  • milk teeth - temporary teeth.
  • cavity -a hole in the tooth
  • dental floss- a piece that is moved between spaces of teeth to clean them.
  • denture -an artificial set of teeth.
  • Brush 2 times a day and 2 minutes each time
  • Be sure to brush before bed,
  • Change your brush every 2 months,
  • Do not consume adhesives like toffee, chocolate,
  • Do not consume smoking or gutka paan masala etc.
  • Get professional tooth cleaning done every 6 months.

Common dental term

✅ Milk teeth: a temporary set of teeth.

✅ Incisors: cutting teeth.

✅ Canines: tearing teeth.

✅ Premolars: cracking and grinding teeth.

✅ Molars: chewing teeth.

✅ Cavity: a hole in the tooth.

✅ Dental floss: A piece of string that is moved between the spaces of teeth to clean them.

✅ Denture: the artificial set of teeth.

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