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lymphadenitis tuberculosis in children

pulmonary tuberculosis and extrapulmonary tuberculosis (TB)

Tuberculosis occurring in organs other than the lungs is called extrapulmonary tuberculosis. While lungs tuberculosis is called pulmonary tuberculosis. Pulmonary TB is the most commonly reported patient worldwide. The most commonly occurring TB after pulmonary TB is lymphadenitis. lymphadenitis tb is more common in children and adults  under 30–35 years of age, and also common in women.

Lymphadenitis means inflammation of the lymph node. There is swelling of the lymph node of the neck  mediastinal lymph node abdominal lymph nodes Axilla (groin) . The common symptoms of  lymphadenitis tuberculosis are mesenteric lymphadenitis inflammation of lymph nodes. abdominal pain. Lymph node inflammation. 

Extra-pulmonary TB accounts for 10% – 15% of total TB cases. There are several types of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. like TB of lymph nodes, TB of intestine, TB of genital tract, TB of bones, TB of brain.

Lymph nodes

Lymph nodes are a part of the lymphatic system that are distributed throughout the body. They are found strategically in different areas especially where lymphatic vessels are located. Lymph nodes are connected by a network of lymphatic vessels, and act as filters, trapping and removing foreign particles such as bacteria and viruses. When infection occurs in a particular part of the body, the associated lymph nodes become swollen as they react to the activity of the immune system.

Cervical lymph nodes: These are raised just beneath the skin in the neck. Here they play a role in filtering lymph from the head and neck.

Axillary lymph nodes: Found in the armpit area, these nodes drain lymph from the arms and upper chest.

Inguinal lymph nodes: These nodes filter lymph from the lower extremities and genital area.

Popliteal lymph nodes: Located behind the knee joint.

Supraclavicular and infraclavicular lymph nodes: These are located above and below the collarbone.

Mediastinal lymph nodes: Found in the mediastinum in the chest.

Abdominal lymph nodes: Scattered throughout the abdominal cavity.

Pelvic lymph nodes: Located in the pelvic area and filter lymph from the pelvic organs.

What is lymphadenitis?

Inflammation of lymph nodes is called lymphadenitis. Lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped structures that play an important role in the body's immune system. These are part of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is distributed throughout the body and functions to filter and trap bacteria, viruses, and harmful substances.

Lymphadenitis Lymph nodes become infected and swollen through a wound, cut, or infection in the surrounding tissue.

Common symptoms of lymphadenitis

Swelling: Usually enlargement of lymph nodes.

Pain: Swollen lymph nodes may be tender and painful.

Redness: The skin over the affected lymph nodes may appear red.

Fever: Infection can cause fever.

If you suspect that you have lymphadenitis, it is essential to consult a health care professional.

  • Fever,
  • Malaise,
  • Weight loss,
  • Anorexia,
  • Lack of appetite and weight loss,
  • A high temperature of 38 degrees (100.4 degrees F) or above,
  • Extreme tiredness or fatigue,
  • Night sweating,
  • Chest pain.

lymphadenitis tuberculous in children

Tuberculous lymphadenitis in children due to the infection of lymph nodes by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. primarily affects the lymph nodes then spread in various parts of the body, such as the neck, armpit, or groin area. Tuberculous lymphadenitis is a common extrapulmonary TB in children.

Symptoms of TB lymphadenitis in children may be:

Swelling: Enlargement of lymph nodes . 

Fever: Low-grade fever and pain may be present.

Weight loss: Children may experience a decline in weight.

Fatigue: weakness and tiredness.

Night sweats: Excessive sweating, during the night.

diagnosis Lymphadenitis tuberculosis

Lymphadenitis tuberculosis can be detected to some extent by observing symptoms. But to make sure some investigation is required. Lymphadenitis tuberculosis is diagnosed based on clinical findings.

Therefore, an attempt should be made to confirm by cytological or histopathological diagnosis by initiating fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) or excision biopsy.

In addition to the chest, X-rays are taken coincidentally, indicating a mediastinal widening of history adenitis.

An intermittent 6-month SCC regimen has been proven to be very effective in the treatment of TB lymphadenitis.

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