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hepatitis- types, symptoms and prevention

Any infection that caused inflammation of the liver is called hepatitis. hepatitis may be caused by a large number of infectious organisms, therapeutic agents, and toxins.

Types of hepatitis

There are 11 viruses that causative agents of hepatitis. 

2 are herpesviruses they are,

1- Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and 

2- Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).

    which hepatitis is curable

    These viruses are mild and do not cause permanent damage to the liver. Of the other nine human hepatotropic viruses, only five are well-characterized. these are.

    Hepatitis A virus: 

    hepatitis A is transmitted by fecal-oral contamination of food, drink, or fish living in contaminated water. hepatitis A virus is an icosahedral, single-stranded, linear positive-sense RNA virus lacking an envelope. the virus multiplies in the liver. hepatitis A was formerly called infectious hepatitis or short incubation hepatitis because the incubation period is small 15 to 45 days.

    Hepatitis B virus

    The hepatitis B virus is a DNA virus, it is also called serum hepatitis. that is transmitted through blood transfusion, contaminated equipment, drug users' unsterile needles, or any other body secretion (saliva, sweat, semen, milk, urine, faces, or through the placenta. It has a long incubation period, 30 days to 6 months after infection.

    Hepatitis C virus

     The hepatitis C virus is an RNA virus and is transmitted through blood transfusion and sexual contact.

    Hepatitis D virus

    The hepatitis D virus is an RNA virus and is transmitted through blood transfusion and sexual contact.

    Hepatitis E virus

    Hepatitis E is transmitted through feces contaminated drinking water. it is a major problem in developing countries of Asia, Africa, central and south America.

    Hepatitis G virus

    The hepatitis G virus is an RNA virus and is transmitted through parenterally and sexual contact.

    Alcoholic hepatitis

    Inflammation of the liver is caused by drinking excessive drinking of alcohol.

    Autoimmune hepatitis

    Inflammation is caused by when the immune system attacks the liver. cellular immunity is involved in liver damage.

    how to hepatitis spread

    • Blood transfusion,
    • Contaminated equipment,
    • Drug users,
    • Unsterile needle,
    • Body secretion,
    • Saliva,
    • Sweat,
    • Semen,
    • Breast milk,
    • Urine,
    • Feces,
    • Through placenta,
    • Sexually contact,
    • Fecal-oral contamination of food,
    • Contaminated water,
    • Uncleaned vegetable,
    • Contaminated food.

    sign and symptoms of hepatitis

    Hepatitis may be developed following symptoms,
    • Anorexia,
    • Malaise,
    • Arthralgias,
    • Myalgia,
    • Headache,
    • Photophobia,
    • Pharyngitis,
    • Cough,
    • Fever,
    • These symptoms appear before the onset of jaundice,
    • Urine becomes a dark yellow color (due to bilirubin) and clay-colored stool occurs 1 to 5 days before jaundice,
    • The liver is enlarged,
    • Pain in the right upper quadrant,
    • Jaundice is visible in the skin and sclera when the bilirubin level exceeds 2.5 mg / 100 ml.

    • Wash your hand before and after use the bathroom,
    • Wash your hand before and after eating food,
    • Use condom,
    • Do not use an unsterile needle,
    • Do not share personal items like toothbrushes, razors, clippers, with an infected person.
    • immunization of hepatitis 
    • Hepatitis A immunized of children consists of 2 or 3 doses of the vaccine.
    • THE Hepatitis B vaccine provides protection against the hepatitis virus.

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