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secondary syphilis-sex disease is caused by Treponema pallidum

Syphilis disease is caused by Treponema pallidum, it is a spirochete ( Bacteria) that moves by axial filaments. 
Spirochete runs lengthwise between the bacterial inner membrane and outer membrane in the periplasmic space. 

 Treponema pallidum penetrates the skin on the abrasion, wound, or hair follicle. it is spread through Sexual intercourse.

it is infected to a healthy person due to intercourse with a person suffering from syphilis disease. If it is not treated in a timely manner, it takes a fatal form. 

In the final stage, numerous organs, and tissues of the body infected, which makes the patient's condition dangerous.

Syphilis is a fatal disease. If it is not treated properly, it causes brain disease. 

It is extremely important that treatment is started as soon as possible after the first sign appears on the body.

The symptoms of this disease appear only in the first stage. No symptoms are seen in stages 2 and 3.

The first lesions usually appear on the testicle and root mass.

In the beginning, there is a hard swelling on the small space that rises above the surface of the skin. Gradually a small wound is formed in it, which hardens downwards.

no wound or swelling in the penis, swelling, and pain occurs when there is an infection of another disease.

The disease occurs in three stages:

  1. Primary syphilis.
  2. Secondary syphilis,
  3. Tertiary syphilis.

Primary syphilis: The first stage characterized by the chancre, a circular, purplish ulcer with a raised margin formed at the point of entry of the spirochete. 

Generally, this occurs on the external genital organs - the penis, vagina, though lesions may appear on the skin, lips, rectum, or pharynx.

Secondary syphilis: That occurs some weeks later when the organism has spread throughout the body. There are flat wart-like lesions filled with spirochetes over the entire body surface.

Tertiary syphilisThe third stage develops in one quarter to one-half of the people. This Stage develops after many years. 
Soft, granular lesions called gummas develop in the cardiovascular and nervous system or on the skin. They may result in paralysis.


The spirochete was first observed by Fritz Shaudinn and Evich Hoffman in 1905. The organism is diagnosed by the Treponema  Pallidum Immobilization test

The patient's serum is combined with spirochetes obtained from an infected rabbit's testicles. If syphilis antibodies are present in the patient's serum, they will attach to the spirochete and immobilize them. 

Another test is the FTA-ABS. Several other tests are used for the diagnosis of syphilis disease. These are the VORAL and rapid plasma reagin tests.

There is also a Treponema pallidum haemagglutination test. This includes the absorption of distributed spirochetes in the surface of sheep red blood cells and the addition of the patient's serum. 

If syphilis antibodies are present, they will induce agglutination of the red blood cells.
These tests are useful in the early diagnosis of syphilis disease.
  1. TPI, 
  2. VDRL, 
  3. FTA-ABC, 
  4. TPHA.

More information about the disease:

  • In the case of syphilis infection, it may take 2 to 3 weeks for the infection to occur and the wound to appear in the genital.
  • If you see a wound in the genital, you should go to the doctor for further examination and treatment.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases are increasing all over the world.
  • Sexual relations with strangers can lead to sexual dysfunction.
  • In the case of syphilis disease, complete treatment should be done and, sexual relations should not be made at this time.
  • This disease can also occur from mother to child, so complete treatment is necessary.

Preventive care

The spirochete multiplies very slowly in tissues. Penicillins may control disease satisfactorily at primary or secondary stages. 

However, gummas appear to be due to an allergic reaction. Treatment must be cautious at this stage. If an allergic reaction appears with penicillins, the physician gives another antibiotic.

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