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what is bulbar polio

What is polio

Poliovirus: Polio is caused by the is also known as poliomyelitis. this is one of the smallest known viruses. It is multiples rapidly in the nerve cell production over 10,000 new particles during a single cycle of about six first multiplies in the tonsils and the lymphoid tissues of the gastrointestinal tract. there may be influenza, nausea, vomiting, and intestinal cramps. In some cases, the virus passes to the then localizes on the grey matter of the spinal cord. polio means gray. meningitis may occur and paralysis experienced by the muscles of the arms, legs, trunk, and other areas control by the spinal cord. this condition is called aseptic meningitis.

Types of poliovirus:
there are 3 types of polioviruses are known to exist.
  1. type 1 - Brunhidle strain,
  2. type 2 - Lansing strain,
  3. type 3 - Leon strain. 


Poliomyelitis (polio) is a highly infectious viral disease, which mainly affects young children. The virus spreads mainly from the person-to-person through the oral-oral route, or, at a short time, spreads through a common vehicle (such as contaminated water or food) and multiplies in the intestine, from which it attacks the nervous system and could cause the cause of paralysis.

Symptoms of polio:
  1. fever,
  2. Fatigue,
  3. headache,
  4. Vomiting,
  5. stiff neck,
  6. Pain in organs,
  7. Paralysis.


the polio vaccine may be taken orally and by produced more antibodies providing long exposure to the virus due to the low multiplication rate of viruses in the intestine. modern vaccine incorporated all three types of polioviruses said to be trivalent.

IPV  vaccine: IPV means an inactivated poliovirus vaccine. There are three types of poliovirus in IPV and this is given by an injection of the child.

OPV  vaccine: OPV means the oral polio vaccine given by the mouth. Two drops of the child are given during regular vaccination and polio campaigns.

The last case of polio in India was found in January 2011. Rukhsar Khar of West Bengal became the last Indian child to be the victim of polio Since that day no case of polio has been found in India. In 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) has been certified polio-free to India. This is a momentous victory for the millions of health workers who have worked with governments, non-governmental organizations, civil society, and international partners to eradicate polio from the Region.

bulbar polio: when a virus infects the stem of the brain (medulla) this condition is called bulbar polio. the nerves of the upper body torso are affected. swallowing becomes difficult and paralysis occurs in the tongue, facial muscles, and neck. There is no cure for polio, it can be stopped by vaccination only.

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